Lewis | February 12, 2015 | 0 Comments
Bambuseae, more commonly known as bamboo, is a plant with a number of different uses in the human world, including culinary, medicinal, construction, and there has even been reports of bamboo being used as a torture method by the Japanese on US and Allied prisoners or war. Despite the (earned?) infamous view of bamboo because of this, it is a very useful plant, and is even decorative tool for landscapers. However, a very good article from the RHS, which you can read here, discusses bamboo control. Due to its rapid growth rate and invasive nature, if left unchecked, bamboo can grow beyond it’s bounds.
Human nature has proven to, on occasion, blow things out of proportion. Invasive bamboo is an excellent example of this; when an article like the one described above reaches the populous, it can be a breeding ground for misconception, such as “bamboo is taking over my garden”, etc. If controlled correctly, bamboo can be a decorative plant that would be at home in any garden. So much so, it is recommended by one of our directors, a landscaper with 20 years experience, to be used in this function.
Species of bamboo grow incredibly quickly relative to other plants; some species can grow up to a rate of 35 inches in a day; which makes it an ideal, albeit a deadly, barbaric torture device that we hope never gets seen again! But I digress. This alarming rate of growth can mean it can spread very quickly if you have bamboo in your garden. Bamboo control is relatively easy process, though, as you can see from the RHS article. This is not to say that the plant is undesirable; there is another article published by RHS on how to cultivate them. But like most things in our crazy world, it’s all a matter of perception!
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