Lewis | February 12, 2015 | 0 Comments
Gardening isn’t just a pastime to be enjoyed during the warmer months, oh no! Although it may not feel like it, Spring is only just around the corner, and there is a wide range of activities you can get on with, using those green fingers of yours! According to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) – who were featured in our last blog post about bamboo; we recommend that for a read – below is a selection of the top 10 jobs to do this February. You can see the original article here, but read on to enjoy this author’s added twists!
Firstly, RHS recommend vegetable seed beds are prepared now, and that some seeds are sown under cover. This’ll ensure your veg is growing sooner, ergo you’ll be enjoying it sooner. But don’t fall victim to something I’ve done in my past and overdo it, or you’ll be eating runner beans for every meal as you grew too much! I’ll never focus on one vegetable again! Next, it says to chit, or prepare, potato tubers for planting. Ensure you’re going to have homemade chips for the summer BBQs!
Classic jobs mentioned on the list include to protect vegetables from birds by covering them with netting, to prune and renovate hedges, prune conservatory climbers, as well as to prune the Wisteria plant. However, the one job on the list that most caught this author’s eye is the advice to protect the blossom found on certain fruit-bearing plants, such as apricots, nectarines and peaches. You really do learn something every day: I did not know that these blossoms needing protected from frost, as they can ensure these trees will produce little, or even no fruit. This may be just a gap in my knowledge, or it may be the fact that fruit-growing isn’t my personal strong point. Either way, that’s the fun of conducting market research for a blog!
We do recommend you give the RHS article a read; it will help ensure your garden is in fighting fit shape come the Spring and Summer.