Lewis | June 23, 2015 | 0 Comments
Recently, we have started a project at a site in Ebbsfleet in Kent, where we are constructing and erecting an open-sided gazebo as a shade-providing structure. Our client for this project is Land Securities, the large commercial property company based in the UK. This is a prospect we are very excited about and as such, we are very pleased to bring you the first project update blog post relating to the job! It has gone very well so far; here is how far we have come so far…
This project started very recently; to start with the focus was on constructing the brickwork base for the gazebo. Here is midway through this stage. The in-house team we assigned this project to definitely got a few good days worth of weather during this period!
This brickwork, as you can see, was expertly laid. The base for the gazebo could have been put together using a variety of different materials, such as resin gravel surfaces, for example. But, in this instance, Land Securities insisted on brickwork. Sometimes, the classics really are the best to use! We believe this too, as before this project was undertaken, the feeling was that this would go well with the oak finish the gazebo will offer. We were not wrong…
Leap forward a few days, and here is the framework of the gazebo in all its glory! Even before this construction is anywhere near complete, you can tell this, coupled with the build quality and material choice of the base, will look fantastic come the completion of the project. Our Garden Joinery Director Dan Weir has been making the unenvious daily journey from Folkestone to Ebbsfleet numerous times to ensure this project, using the finest oak, goes smoothly. That commute has definitely reaped dividends!
This gazebo featured the finest techniques used in both woodworking and general construction, just two of the reasons why thousands of people enquire to Oakleigh Manor for our wide range of services every year. This project isn’t far from completion now, but already we can tell, thanks to the brilliant start we have made, that it is going to be in the mould of all our other finished articles: unique, bespoke with the best workmanship, and unbelievably pleasing to the eye!
We hope you enjoyed this blog post; we will bring you photos of the finished article on our Facebook page as soon as it is completed! Click on the link and Like our page to make sure you do not miss it!