Josh | September 6, 2012 | 0 Comments
This new project is well underway as the Oakleigh Manor team start with the early stages of groundwork and soil allocation.
The team have started at the rear end of the garden, working out to the front, installing the new base foundation for the Pylon temple, the Garden Facade and the link paths, you can see the steel divisional edging that forms the paths in this shot.
As part of the Oakleigh Manor ethos, our aim is to reduce waste and encourage recycling. Our aim is to use the existing topsoil that is removed from the new hardscape areas and the old terraces and then utalised within the deep topsoil layers with the new planting beds and lawns, the old lawn vegetation is burnt off with herbicide then placed 60cm deep underneath the new planting beds to produce new organic compost for the new planting, the old paths and terraces are removed, the suitable materials are processed into new hardcore sub-bases and drainage media for soakaways. All these phases of groundwork and earthworks will dramatically reduce the amount of waste material that would normally be removed and ultimately some would go to landfill.
We will keep you posted as the Gothic Facade, the Reflective Pool and the Pylon Temple take shape.