
To be or not to be, That is the Question: Following in Your Parents Footsteps!

December 17th, 2015 by

Potentially, for some, the prospect of following in the footsteps of your parents is not always the most desirable career path one can take. The child in any professional household, in any era, may wish to strike out and forge their own destiny. However, a recent article in the FT Weekend Magazine brought to my […]

Dublin to Dargate?

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November 5th, 2015 by

Wow, it’s been a long time since we’ve done one of these! However, if you are a regular receiver of the Oakleigh Journal, our monthly e-newsletter, you may be familiar with the fact that Rupert Davis, the Chartered Landscape Architect who had been with us for many years, has moved on to pastures new. Due […]

Project Review: Loughton, Essex

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May 6th, 2015 by

Some of you may have caught a video we had scheduled for release on social media last night. It revealed a large landscaping project we carried out in Loughton in Essex a year ago. Unlike some projects, this one wasn’t just limited to one or two of our services; a number of them were utilised […]

Project Update: Resin Gravel Surfacing in Westerham, Kent

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April 17th, 2015 by

If you follow our Instagram account, you may be familiar with a resin gravel project we have been doing in Westerham in Kent since February. With the large number of projects we have at any one time, our teams have been working very hard to keep this project up to speed; hats off to them! […]

Project Update: Hard and Soft Landscaping near Ashford, Kent

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March 24th, 2015 by

Since the start of March, Oakleigh Manor have been carrying out a project for a client near Ashford, in Kent. The project involved, first of all, a hard landscape design and build was carried out by one of our in-house teams. Then, another in-house team, this time from our Oakleigh Manor Horticultural Services company, came […]

Importance of Irrigation

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March 13th, 2015 by

When people hear the word ‘irrigation’, they instantly think of sprinkler systems. There’s a number of other types of irrigation, sure. But it’s not as if it is a recent development. The artificial application of water to land or soil has been a pivotal part of agriculture for over 5,000 years! In 2008, the area […]

Irrigation system or Rainwater Harvesting system WINTERISATION SERVICE 2012

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September 2nd, 2012 by

Summer 2012 is coming to an end, its time to book you Winterisation Service on your Irrigation System or Rainwater Harvesting system. We service the systems during the period of mid October to mid November To Book, please contact Chantal Rozard on 01227 750875 or email chantal@oakleighmanor.co.uk. Hurry, we have limited space during this period!

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