Flowers are beautiful additions to any garden or landscape. Their colourful and playful appearance adds charm to plain grass and leaves. These beautiful blooms make a statement, catch your neighbour’s eyes and increase your home’s entire appeal. Beautify your garden by adding a wide array of flowers. An amazing garden begins with selecting the right […]
…is for Under-watering. This week could is looking likely to be the penultimate week of our Garden Pests Series! It has been a pleasure to bring it to you, but now is not the time for farewells! We’ve still got a few letters to get through before we hit ‘Z’. This issue is for the […]
…is for Thrips. There was no Garden Pests Series blog posts yesterday; it fell on the back-burner during a very hectic day! But it returns today with the letter ‘T’ edition. It surely isn’t long now before this series draws to a close, with only six more issues after this one. They have been very […]
…is for Slugs and Snails. Our Garden Pests Series is drawing to a close! It is a shame, as we know it is rather popular with our regular readers and it has been equally enjoyable to compile and compose from my perspective. It is definitely something for the personal portfolio! But again, I digress. The […]
…is for Red Spider Mite. There has been a last-minute amendment to this issue of the Garden Pests Series; initially, ‘R’ was going to stand for rose black spot. However, after a little more detailed research today, it came to my attention that rose black spot is in fact very similar to what was covered […]
…is for Quince leaf blight. I’ll be honest with you; when researching for this list of 26 garden pests, one for each letter of the alphabet, I had an inkling that the letter ‘Q’ would be a problem! Think about it: it is a high-scoring letter in Scrabble and more to the point, it is […]
…is for Pea Moth. The first Garden Pests Series blog of the week; this post is more aimed at those gardeners who grow vegetables. If that mean you, whether you grow in your garden or allotment, this is definitely of interest to you. Today, the letter ‘P’ stands for pea moth, an organism that can […]
After composing a recent blog post in our Garden Pests Series relating to the over watering of plants, it got me thinking about the volumes upon volumes of water just one gardener uses for their past-time. After doing some research into it, heavy water use can really put a dent in one’s pocket. Of course, […]
…is for Over watering. So far in this blog series, all featured dangers to your garden have been those that in nature. However, as gardeners, we must also bear in mind that even though our actions may be with the best intentions, our efforts can have adverse effects. Potentially, this can revolve around the watering […]
…is for Nutrient deficiency. The next in the popular blog series by Oakleigh Manor! In this post, ‘N’ stands for nutrient deficiency. It isn’t so much a ‘pest’, which itself evokes mental images of small insect-like creatures. More of a sad reality. This is mainly because, unlike some of the previously-featured pests in this series, […]