The image to your left is a photograph, courtesy of, of the stunning Natural History Museum in London. If you haven’t been before, I personally strongly recommend it; I went once on a school trip and I loved it, but not as much on my second visit in my twenties! It’s great fun for all […]
With the General Election around the corner, I bet it seems that politics is dominating the news landscape of the UK. Of course, it’s very important stuff, but we aren’t going to spark a political debate! We’ll leave that to the professionals on TV this week! However, what we will touch on, in the political […]
Is it possible than an urban planning method originally created during the Victorian era could solve the housing crisis Britain currently finds itself in 2015? It may split opinion, but an article online from The Guardian, as penned by Patrick Barkham, entertains the very real possibility that is could be. But Barkham also entertains the equally-real […]
I’m sorry the title to this blog post isn’t more snappy, or is a little less to-the-point. But after reading about this piece of ingenuity I’m about to share, you’ll understand nothing else can describe it! An article was published online by the BBC late last night about the latest effort by two academics at Cambridge […]
Five bench plinths and benches formed in recycled materials were installed recently at an Environment Agency site in London, to provide recreational seating with a public space. This area was landscaped by Oakleigh Manor in 2003, and the grounds maintenance staff have been pruning the shrub borders and the trees surgeons have carried out their […]
The lower end of the garden is now complete and we are working our way up, here we have cut and filled to form a new mini football pitch. The earthworks and soil preparation are in full flow and the first of the turf is being laid today. For once this year…we want rain!
The hardscape guys are hard at work carrying out Bench Installations for the public areas of the Environment Agency’s flaghip site, The Thames Barrier Complex. You can see Geoff here reinstating the block paved promenade on the South Embankment of the Thames.