Is it possible than an urban planning method originally created during the Victorian era could solve the housing crisis Britain currently finds itself in 2015? It may split opinion, but an article online from The Guardian, as penned by Patrick Barkham, entertains the very real possibility that is could be. But Barkham also entertains the equally-real […]
I’m sorry the title to this blog post isn’t more snappy, or is a little less to-the-point. But after reading about this piece of ingenuity I’m about to share, you’ll understand nothing else can describe it! An article was published online by the BBC late last night about the latest effort by two academics at Cambridge […]
The latest blog post on one of our employees is here! The last two posts about our lead architect Rupert Davis and company director Stuart Barten have been very popular; this one will definitely follow suit, as I for one, believe this man is one of the most interesting I’ve ever met – I’ve never […]
Landscaping doesn’t just supply a method of modification of an area of land for visual purposes. Granted, that is the primary reason to landscape, but there are added perks to it. The source for this blog post has come from Landscaping Queensland, a governing body for landscape and garden maintenance in the aforementioned state in […]
No, not the football team! Of course we are talking about the Chelsea Flower Show! This year truly is flying by; already we are in March, and that means we are only a couple of months away before the RHS’s flagship show comes to the prestigious area of West London. But who’s the new Show […]
With the view of bringing our bespoke services to more people to help them benefit from our specialist knowledge, we will be running a flyer campaign in certain parts of Kent and Essex from the week commencing Monday, March 16th. Keep an eye out for this image above; it features on the front page of […]
The more and more I read the article this blog post will be based around, the more I believe it makes absolute sense! Allow me to explain… Yesterday evening, an article came online from American broadcaster NBC outlining how the landscaping choices you can actually be tools for crime prevention. At a first glance, it may seem […]
Last month, a study conducted by the UK Government revealed that 9 out of 13 samples of Chinese plywood that is being imported to the UK contained species of timber that are unauthorised. It even found that only one supplier out of 16 were compliant with EU Timber Regulations (EUTR). This news was obtained from […]
There is more to consider when it comes to waste that meets the eye, if you’re a business owner. Here at Oakleigh Manor, we follow environmental and waste legislations carefully and stringently, but if you aren’t wise to these, it can mean a reprimand or two, perhaps in the form of a fine. To this […]
Unlike Dan Brown’s novel, which is full of mystery, there is no mystery surrounding why there is the perception of UK’s highways being branded as “ugly necessities”, according to Roads Minister John Hayes. The reason behind this, he claims, is that designers have been ‘driven to conformity’ through the lack of funds available to them […]