Everyone has seen the rows upon rows of unattractive, drab garages that tend to be erected on housing estates that leave an eyesore in our otherwise beautiful country. That’s not to say that garages can’t look aesthetically-pleasing; a lot of people spend time and effort to be able to house possessions in this way. But […]
If you’ve been reading our posts this week, you’ll know it’s Go Green Week, an environmental initiative organised by People & Planet, a student action group. This appeals to us at Oakleigh Manor, as we truly care about our environment; it plays a large part in the day-to-day running of the company. So with this […]
Gardening isn’t just a pastime to be enjoyed during the warmer months, oh no! Although it may not feel like it, Spring is only just around the corner, and there is a wide range of activities you can get on with, using those green fingers of yours! According to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) – […]
Bambuseae, more commonly known as bamboo, is a plant with a number of different uses in the human world, including culinary, medicinal, construction, and there has even been reports of bamboo being used as a torture method by the Japanese on US and Allied prisoners or war. Despite the (earned?) infamous view of bamboo because of […]
Especially in the South, we are prone to a very warm summer. As such hosepipe bans are commonplace; anyone else remember the lengthy one back in 2012? Me too. Countrywide though, rainfall is frequent – where do you think the idiom of “British weather” comes from? Yet, with all this rainfall, this author asks why […]
We’ve all heard of these so-called “cowboy builders”; these pseudo-labourers who cut corners for the name of profit, with no prior thought of their customer. They may be giving the building and bricklaying industries a bad reputation, and ipso facto, the same for those in said industries who are honest, fair workers. However, it isn’t only […]
Leyland cypress, commonly referred to as leylandii, is a tree that is very common in the United Kingdom; there are 55 million leylandii in the country, and with a further 300,000 sold by vendors each year, that figure is on the rise. They are very popular for hedgerows, as their thick growth promotes privacy for […]
Everyone in Britain, I’m sure, has heard of the displacement of native red squirrels due to the presence of the Eastern grey squirrels. Since being introduced to the United Kingdom, the greys have been responsible for the falling number of their red counterparts, largely due to holding a competitive advantage over them through increased fitness, […]
This week is “Go Green Week”, an initiative run by People & Planet, a university student-led movement which tries to improve lives all over the world using a number of methods; one of which is to protect the environment. So, with that in mind… The evidence highlighting the importance of climate change, global warming, and […]
From crazy paving to decking. From vegetable gardens to ‘nightscaping’. The landscape (pardon the pun!) of garden trends are forever changing. The listed fads above are all unique in their own right, from the kooky, to the financially sound. But what’s the next step for your garden? Like anything creative, fashions and trends change with […]