It used to be fact that to grow fruit and vegetables in a ‘grow your own’ manner required a reasonable amount of space. This used to take away the opportunity for many with small gardens, especially those in cities, where space is vastly limited when compared to those in rural areas. But no longer! We […]
This blog post is in the spirit of last week’s solar eclipse, hence the terrible Bonnie Tyler reference in the title! You may not have heard of the trend of ‘moonscaping’ quite as much; sadly the term is also used metaphorically to describe an area devastated by war. Because of this, it may be a […]
Starting today (Friday, March 20th) and running all the way until mid-October, the Queen’s Gallery in Buckingham Palace will be holding a new exhibition called ‘Painting Paradise: The Art of the Garden’, giving the public a chance to see paintings and objects from the royal collection, some of them for the first time. If you’re a […]
I would love to say that the title of this blog is the latest spin-off of the Samuel L. Jackson film Snakes on a Plane! Maybe it’s something they can look into, but I digress… It is a genuinely serious premise. In an online post from Pro Landscaper Magazine, a publication we have a subscription to, a […]
Leading on from yesterday’s blog about growing chillies in hanging baskets, we’ve got another gardening blog for you today! It’s getting to that time of year where avid gardeners and growers will start to get very busy, as the season changes to benefit us with warmer climes. As such, we will be mirroring the trend […]
Want to grow your own foodstuffs, but are limited to space? This is a common dilemma for a number of people, especially for those in urban areas where private gardens are limited in size. But there are ways around this; usually modern problems are solved by some sort of innovative technology, but to participate in […]
It is natural for people to look at companies at face value; what they generally see are corporate machines. This is despite the fact that there are people behind the scenes that get the company through every day. Here at Oakleigh Manor, we don’t like that perception. Some companies may not mind being seen as […]
Gardening has become more than just a hobby or a pastime. This author believes it can now be classed as a lifestyle. Millions around the world enjoy it, and there are new and original ideas for gardeners to consider when it comes to those who want to go that extra mile. Gardening is also an […]
We are just moving into the Spring season; very exciting times for everyone, as it is a natural time for growth. Here at Oakleigh Manor, we are no exception to that ourselves. As a company, we are always looking towards growth, or continuous improvement to be more precise. We are always looking to improve our […]
It is standard procedure for house-hunters to have an inspection administered by a professional before they commit to buying their apparent dream home. However, one of the biggest contributors to a home’s value is so often neglected. You guessed it! The landscape that a home comes with, such as the back garden for example, can […]