Interesting Articles

Moakleigh Manor?

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October 15th, 2015 by

I’m sure you have heard of ‘Movember’; for the month of November, men all over the world grow moustaches to help raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer and testicular cancer, as well as mental health issues. This has been circulating since 2003 thanks to The Movember Foundation, a worldwide charity set […]

10 Stunning Tours That You’ll Adore

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October 6th, 2015 by

I actually didn’t mean to make the title of this blog post to rhyme; it was a happy accident! After reading a fantastic online article from The Guardian and including said article in October’s edition of the Oakleigh Journal, our free e-newsletter, I thought I would bring it to you in the form of a blog post […]

1 Trick for Good Neighbour Relations

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September 15th, 2015 by

Let’s not skip around the idea. Relationships between neighbours up and down Britain haven’t always been peachy! For the most part, I have always got on with my neighbours. Whether they are my current neighbours where myself and my partner live, or my neighbours when I lived with my parents during my youth. We’ve had […]

Solar Panels: Courageous or Audacious?

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September 14th, 2015 by

Even in my fledgling experience, solar panels polarise. There are always two sides of the coin: on one side, you have those who believe they are a step in the right direction for the environment and in attempts to solve the world’s energy crisis. On the other, you have those, despite the fact they may […]

One Man’s Triumph for Your Architecture

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September 11th, 2015 by

If you aren’t an architect, the name of Andrea Palladio may not mean too much to you. Unless that’s your name, in which case, we have stumbled onto a nice coincidence! However, thanks to an article from the BBC, you will find out about the man right here on the Oakleigh Manor blog! As we […]

Calling All LOTR Fans…

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September 3rd, 2015 by

Every now and then, we love to bring you interesting articles from the worlds of landscaping, construction and architecture in this blog. We feel it complements news about us, our services and our multiple blog series very well. Recently, an article concerning the demolition and re-construction of an entire Swedish city was covered on this […]

Meet the New Admin Team

August 19th, 2015 by

After some changes to personnel here at Oakleigh Manor HQ in Dargate, we feel it is about time we updated you as to these changes. You may recall a previous blog post that brought you the previous line-up of the administration team; if not, you can refresh your collective memories by clicking here. You may […]

Mine Kiruna (My Sharona?)

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August 14th, 2015 by

Pardon the horrendous attempt of a pun out of the hit single from The Knacks! Kiruna is a city in Sweden; it also happens to be the northernmost city in the Scandinavian country, deep into Arctic territory. What initially makes this city stand out is the one of the world’s largest iron ore deposits beneath the […]

Saharan Sustainability, Seriously?

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July 23rd, 2015 by

Any of you recall a recent blog post from us here at Oakleigh Manor about the possibility of London becoming a National Park? If not, you can click here jog the brain. Whether you do this or you do in fact remember, either way I do not think the thoughts of ‘audacious yet plausible’ you […]

London: a National Park?

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June 16th, 2015 by

It may sound strange, farfetched or even downright ridiculous, but the reasons why form both a potent and cogent argument… When one thinks of London, familiar territory may be the building-heavy skylines of Canary Wharf. But the capital isn’t as heavily built-up as you may think. In fact, as reported in an article by The Independent, […]

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