You may recall a blog post we brought you back in March, regarding developments in sustainable drainage systems (SuDs) regulations. If not, click here to give it a read. In a nutshell, though, the developments were in Parliament, referring to the ‘foolhardy’ exemptions to SuDs regulations and plans to scrap them. These exemptions in question […]
Despite being in the specific industry of landscape design and build, here at Oakleigh Manor we also like to keep in touch with the architecture world as a whole. This may partly be due to our own Landscape Architect, Mr Rupert Davis and our own personal discussions about the industry. Regardless, as a company we […]
The regular readers of our blog will know that we like to keep in touch with environmental aspects of our industry. We ourselves have a strict environmental policy, that has been discussed in a previous blog and that is very prominent on our website. However, when it comes to any developments we believe are important […]
After composing a recent blog post in our Garden Pests Series relating to the over watering of plants, it got me thinking about the volumes upon volumes of water just one gardener uses for their past-time. After doing some research into it, heavy water use can really put a dent in one’s pocket. Of course, […]
Landfills as a method of waste management, despite being the oldest method of disposal, has courted controversy for many years. In an ideal world from an environmental perspective, landfill sites would be abolished and other means of waste management would be employed heavily, such as recycling. Steps have been taken in UK and the EU […]
Bug killers are popular products in the UK, simply to remove pesky insects from people’s homes. They are very useful; these repellants have proven very successful in the prevention and control of insect-borne diseases, such as malaria. While this particular disease isn’t present in our country, the usefulness of these products cannot be denied when […]
With the General Election around the corner, I bet it seems that politics is dominating the news landscape of the UK. Of course, it’s very important stuff, but we aren’t going to spark a political debate! We’ll leave that to the professionals on TV this week! However, what we will touch on, in the political […]
Issue #2 of the Oakleigh Journal isn’t too far away! It would be sooner, but as the newsletter is sent out on the first Monday of the month, and as the first Monday in April is a Bank Holiday, it will be released on Monday, April 13th at midday. Lucky you! The marketing team are […]
I’m sure we are familiar with arguments with certain neighbours surrounding issues like overhanging branches, hedgerows and the ilk. A lot of you may have a good relationship with your next door neighbours; some of you might even call them close friends! But that is not to say you, at any point in your life, […]
That’s right; you did read the title of this blog post correctly! It may sounds strange, extraordinary, or even downright ridiculous to a few of you, but it is true. If you make a few wise decisions when landscaping your garden, you can save money on your household expenses, such as heating and electricity. It actually […]