If you’ve been catching up on your Oakleigh Manor blog reading this week, you may have come across a project update post about a swimming pool construction we are currently carrying out in Essex. I also said that I would try my best to bring you another post about the project, so here it is! […]
Landfills as a method of waste management, despite being the oldest method of disposal, has courted controversy for many years. In an ideal world from an environmental perspective, landfill sites would be abolished and other means of waste management would be employed heavily, such as recycling. Steps have been taken in UK and the EU […]
You know, I do love working in a marketing capacity, but sometimes it is nice to get out of the office environment; staring at a screen all day isn’t always fun and games! So luckily for me, our head Landscape Architect here at Oakleigh Manor Rupert Davis needed a hand in surveying a project we […]
With the General Election around the corner, I bet it seems that politics is dominating the news landscape of the UK. Of course, it’s very important stuff, but we aren’t going to spark a political debate! We’ll leave that to the professionals on TV this week! However, what we will touch on, in the political […]
I don’t know if it’s just me, but I do not have a clue when each season officially starts and ends. I just go by the temperature, and if it’s too cold I’ll grab a jumper! It might just be a gap in my own personal knowledge, and I’m sure you know more about it […]
That’s right; you did read the title of this blog post correctly! It may sounds strange, extraordinary, or even downright ridiculous to a few of you, but it is true. If you make a few wise decisions when landscaping your garden, you can save money on your household expenses, such as heating and electricity. It actually […]
It is standard procedure for house-hunters to have an inspection administered by a professional before they commit to buying their apparent dream home. However, one of the biggest contributors to a home’s value is so often neglected. You guessed it! The landscape that a home comes with, such as the back garden for example, can […]
Landscaping doesn’t just supply a method of modification of an area of land for visual purposes. Granted, that is the primary reason to landscape, but there are added perks to it. The source for this blog post has come from Landscaping Queensland, a governing body for landscape and garden maintenance in the aforementioned state in […]
No, not the football team! Of course we are talking about the Chelsea Flower Show! This year truly is flying by; already we are in March, and that means we are only a couple of months away before the RHS’s flagship show comes to the prestigious area of West London. But who’s the new Show […]
With the view of bringing our bespoke services to more people to help them benefit from our specialist knowledge, we will be running a flyer campaign in certain parts of Kent and Essex from the week commencing Monday, March 16th. Keep an eye out for this image above; it features on the front page of […]