
Landscaping: a Crime Deterrent?

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March 3rd, 2015 by

The more and more I read the article this blog post will be based around, the more I believe it makes absolute sense! Allow me to explain… Yesterday evening, an article came online from American broadcaster NBC outlining how the landscaping choices you can actually be tools for crime prevention. At a first glance, it may seem […]

Portfolio: More Information

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March 2nd, 2015 by

As a marketing administrator for a company that conduct their business in a very visual domain, it can be very difficult to paint a picture with just a few words! This is why we have both Pinterest and Instagram accounts! But we understand not everyone has those social media networks. So if this is you, […]

The Da Vinci Road

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February 26th, 2015 by

Unlike Dan Brown’s novel, which is full of mystery, there is no mystery surrounding why there is the perception of UK’s highways being branded as “ugly necessities”, according to Roads Minister John Hayes. The reason behind this, he claims, is that designers have been ‘driven to conformity’ through the lack of funds available to them […]

Environmental Management: ISO14001 Certification

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February 19th, 2015 by

The International Organisation for Standardisation, abbreviated as ISO, is a standard-setting international body, made up of representatives from a number of national standards organisations, functioning as an independent, non-governmental membership organisation. It was founded in 1947, based in the Swiss city of Geneva, and has over 160 national members. They have set standards in almost […]

One Day in the Life of…

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February 19th, 2015 by

…a landscape architect! If you expected the name “Ivan Denisovich”, the I do apologise! My writing may not be as good as Solzhenitsyn, but I’ll give it a go! Where the subject of the Russian novelist’s critically-acclaimed novel – which helped him win the Nobel Prize for Literature – was the aforementioned Ivan, this blog […]

Garden Joinery

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February 17th, 2015 by

Joinery is a type of carpentry which consists of the cutting and fitting together of wood without nails, screws or other metal fasteners, such as bolts. This type of construction is very specialist, and it takes a large amount of training to be a fully competent joiner. One of the many services that Oakleigh Manor […]

Bamboo: How Do You View the Plant?

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February 12th, 2015 by

Bambuseae, more commonly known as bamboo, is a plant with a number of different uses in the human world, including culinary, medicinal, construction, and there has even been reports of bamboo being used as a torture method by the Japanese on US and Allied prisoners or war. Despite the (earned?) infamous view of bamboo because of […]

Rogue Landscapers: The Scourge of Genuine Horticulturalists

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February 11th, 2015 by

We’ve all heard of these so-called “cowboy builders”; these pseudo-labourers who cut corners for the name of profit, with no prior thought of their customer. They may be giving the building and bricklaying industries a bad reputation, and ipso facto, the same for those in said industries who are honest, fair workers. However, it isn’t only […]

Leylandii: The Debated Hedgerow

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February 11th, 2015 by

Leyland cypress, commonly referred to as leylandii, is a tree that is very common in the United Kingdom; there are  55 million leylandii in the country, and with a further 300,000 sold by vendors each year, that figure is on the rise. They are very popular for hedgerows, as their thick growth promotes privacy for […]

Invasive Species: Not Just Grey Squirrels

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February 11th, 2015 by

Everyone in Britain, I’m sure, has heard of the displacement of native red squirrels due to the presence of the Eastern grey squirrels. Since being introduced to the United Kingdom, the greys have been responsible for the falling number of their red counterparts, largely due to holding a competitive advantage over them through increased fitness, […]

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